"The End of Patience is a very useful antidote to the endless praise lavished on the new electronic mediums. Read it slowly!" — BILL MCKIBBEN
"A remarkable addition to the literature of the science of the mind." — THE LOS ANGELES TIMES BOOK REVIEW
"Shenk’s sentences are witty, often savagely funny." — PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY
Shenk's original term "data smog" was officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2004.
"Couple of days ago I finished reading your excellent book Data Smog, which comes to my hands after a little bit hard effort. But this effort is worth of everything." — PETROVIC, BELGRADE, SERBIA
"Inspiring and liberating." -- Steven Johnson "The Genius in All of Us is a great book." -- Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
"David Shenk sweeps aside decades of misconceptions about genetics." -- Daniel H. Pink
"The Genius in All of Us has quietly blown my mind." — LAURA MILLER, SALON
“For those of us living in Alzheimer’s shadow, I want to thank you for the wonderful gift of your book.” — T. BANCROFT, SACO, MAINE
"[The Forgetting is] intelligent and unusually circumspect." -- THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS "Riveting….superb….a must-read for anyone interested in the wretched ailment that is Alzheimer’s." -- THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE
"David Shenk forced me to re-evaluate my longstanding faith in the intrinsic benefits of networking technology. " — DOUGLAS RUSHKOFF
Shenk's original term "data smog" was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2004
"Your ‘Biocapitalism’ essay in Harper's is truly an excellent piece of work." — M. RUNGE, BALTIMORE MD
"A great speaker...David will make you laugh one minute and think hard the next." — Jeff Ganek, CEO, Neustar, Washington DC
"Shenk writes with passion and grace." — THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS
"The Forgetting is completely absorbing, fascinating, the best of writing." — AMY TAN
“Data Smog is the Silent Spring for the Digital Age." — THE BOSTON GLOBE
"A deeply interesting and important book." -- THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW
"The Genius in All of Us has quietly blown my mind." -- LAURA MILLER, SALON
"Beguiling...[The Immortal Game] has an improvisational dexterity that suits its subject." -- THE WEEKLY STANDARD
"A bravura demonstration of the art of storytelling." -- THE GLOBE AND MAIL (Canada)
"The End of Patience is an important book...Shenk offers something unique and valuable to a shell-shocked culture.“ — Jon Katz, Author, Virtuous Reality
"The Forgetting is one of those rare books that lifts journalism to the level of literature." — THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE
"Data Smog is an indispensable guide to the big picture of technology’s cultural impact." — THE NEW YORK TIMES
"Fascinating….As good as the science in [The Forgetting] is, it takes a back seat to Shenk’s eloquent reflections on the meaning of memory and aging [and] our sense of self." — THE WASHINGTON MONTHLY
"Your talk was a great success -- the best event of its sort we've ever had. You inspired our school and our community." — Robert D. Brisk, The Wellington School, Columbus OH
"David Shenk leaves an audience moved and much wiser." — PETER BRAUN, ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION
"David Shenk’s brilliant book Data Smog names the problem, describes it, explains it and -- God bless him -- offers us help in coping with it." — NEIL POSTMAN
"I sat in the audience today at TEDxRCP and was deeply moved by you...Thank you for your 'realness.' It was incredible." — BETH YOUNG, WARRENTON, VA
"Beguiling...The Immortal Game has an improvisational dexterity that suits its subject." — THE WEEKLY STANDARD
"Shenk may understand the Information Age better than anyone else: he sees benefits and perils that everybody else seems too rushed to notice." — DAN RATHER
"Shenk’s sentences are witty, often savagely funny." — PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY
"We enjoyed Shenk's candor, his sense of humor, and his deep insights into the process that lay behind talent and intelligence." — RONALD GROSS, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY
“Deeply affecting… a fascinating meditation on the scientific, political and cultural history of Alzheimer’s disease.” - THE WASHINGTON POST
"A bravura demonstration of the art of storytelling." — THE GLOBE AND MAIL
"Thank you for your wonderful talk last night! You offered some excellent inspiration to our writers." — BETH TAYLOR, BROWN UNIVERSITY
“I just completed The Forgetting and can’t begin to thank you. I was enlightened by your research and touched by the way you dealt with the emotional impact." — C. MURRAY, ORLANDO, FLORIDA
"Elegant . . . a true page-turner, and a superb introduction to the game of chess." — THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
"I enjoyed so much your talk today. Your work rings so true and is so vital in today's toxic deterministic and parochial milieu." — HYMAN SHWARZBERG, M.D., UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF BROOKLYN
David Shenk named one of 21 "New Economy Gurus" for the 21st Century. — DARWIN MAGAZINE
"I picked up the audio version of The Genius in All of Us at the library and have listened to it twice --so far. Really impeccably researched and well balanced with stories." — CHRISTINE B.
"The Forgetting is a remarkable achievement." — Daniel Kuhn, Mather Institute on Aging